Online editing

Activation and configuration

The G3W-SUITE platform allows you to manage and create editing on PostGis or SpatiaLite layers present within published projects.

The tool also allows you to manage relational type editing (1:1 and 1:n).

The editing settings are defined partly at the QGIS project level (editing form structure, widgets associated with individual attributes, 1:n relationships) and partly at the Administration level (users with editing power, activation scale, any geoconstraints).

It should be noted that this function manages multi-user editing through a features-lock system.

When an enabled user activates the editing function at the map client level, the features visible on the map at that time will be blocked, in relation to the editing aspect, for all the other enabled users who will still be able to edit features present outside this geographical extension. .

This block will be deactivated when the user exits the editing mode.

QGIS project settings

Definition of the attribute editing form

In the QGIS project, for each layer it is possible to define the structure of the attribute display module.

The same structure will be used in the cartographic client when editing attributes.

The definition of the form structure can be managed, on QGIS, from the Properties of the vector, in the Attributes Form section.


Definition of editing widgets associated with individual attributes

At the QGIS project level (always from Vector Properties, Attribute Form section) it is possible to define an alias and an editing widget for each attribute.

The alias and editing widgets defined at the project level will be available during web editing with some limitations.

Below are the available widgets and any limitations:

  • Checkbox

  • Date/time: management of the date only

  • Attachment

  • Range

  • Text edit with this excluded options:

    • multiline

    • html

  • Unique values

  • Value map

  • Value relations with this excluded options:

    • sort by value

    • allow multiple selections

    • filter expression

With regard to the Attachment widget, it is necessary to specify that the association of a multimedia file with a feature requires that this file is uploaded to a dedicated space (exposed on the web) on the server and that the association takes place via a URL that refers to that file.

This solution allows you to consult the associated attachments also from QGIS or from other GIS software.

Additional settings at single layer level

In the Attribute Form section of the Layer Properties it is also possible to define whether:

  • the attribute can be modified

  • any default values

The mandatory and/or unique constraints have to be defined on PostGreSQL/PostGis table level.

Definition of 1:n relations

In the event that, at the QGIS project level, one or more 1: n type relationships have been associated with a layer (Project menu Properties…, Relations section), it will be possible to carry out relational editing also on the webgis platform.

Also for the tables related in 1:n mode it will be possible to define the attribute form structure, aliases and editing widgets in the QGIS project.

These configurations and tools will automatically available on the webgis platform.

Administration settings

Activation of layer editing

To activate the online editing functions, access the Layer list section of the project within the administration panel of G3W-ADMIN.

Identify the PostGreSQL/PostGis or SpatiaLite layer on which you want to activate the editing function and click on the Editing layer icon _images/icon_editing.png located on the left

Clicking on the icon will open a modal window that will allow you to:

  • define the editing activation scale (only for geometric tables)

  • define the Viewer users (individuals or groups) enabled for online editing

With regard to the last aspect, it should be noted that:

  • Viewers users (individuals or groups) available in the drop-down menu will be limited to those who have allowed access in consultation to the WebGis project

  • Editor1 and Editor2 users, owners of the project, are enabled by default to the online editing function


Activation of relational editing

To allow editing on the related table in mode 1: n , the editing function must also be activated (always in the same way) also for the related table present in the project layers list.

Geo-constraints setting

The online editing function also allows you to manage geo-constraints that allow the user to insert/modify features only if they intersect or are contained within specific features of a second polygonal layer.

To activate a geographical constraint, you must click, always at the level of the list of project layers, on the Constraints list icon _images/icon_constraints.png which will appear once the online editing function is activated.

Clicking on the icon will show the list of any existing constraints and the item + New constraint to create a new geo-constraints.


The icons placed next to any constraints already present allow you to edit/delete the constraint itself.

Clicking on the item + New constraint will open a modal window which will allow you to define the polygonal layer (among those present in the project) on which the constraint itself must be based.

Once the layer has been defined, the constraint will appear in the list and can be parameterized using the Rules icon _images/icon_constraints_setting.png

Clicking on this icon will open a modal window which, by pressing the green button Add _images/button_add.png, it will allow you to define, for each user and/or group of users, the rules of the constraints.

The rules definition will be done through a freely compiled SQL expression, which must refer to the attributes and values of the layer defined as geo-constraints.

The Save icon _images/icon_save.png will allow you to validate the SQL itself, in order to ensure proper functioning of the constraints itself.

Once all the constraints have been entered and validated, click on the Close button to confirm the rules.


Online editing tools at cartographic client level

Direct editing

Once the online editing function has been activated and configured on one or more layers of a WebGis project, the Editing item, inside the Tools menu of the cartoographic client, will be shown.



By clicking on the Data Layers item, the side menu will show the editing tools for all the layers on which this function is activated.

The actual activation of the editing function for the individual layers will take place by clicking on the Edit layer icon.

Create and edit features

The tools available are the following:

Geometric layers

  • _images/icon_feature_add.png Add feature: to add a feature

  • _images/icon_feature_move.png Move feature

  • _images/icon_feature_modify.png Update feature vertex: to modify the shape of a geometry

  • _images/icon_feature_remove.png Remove feature

  • _images/icon_feature_attribute.png Modify feature: to modify the attributes associated with an existing feature

Activating the Add features and Update feature vertex tools allows you to activate the snap intralayer function.

Alphanumeric layer

  • _images/icon_record_add.png Add feature: to add a record to the alphanumeric table

  • _images/icon_record_modify.png Modify features: to modify the attributes of an existing record

Whenever a new feature/record is added or an existing feature/record is update, the attribute editing form and the respective editing widgets will be displayed as defined at the QGIS project level.


Any mandatory fields will be marked with an asterisk.

Any unfulfilled constraints will be highlighted with specific warning messages shown in red.

The changes made can be saved only after satisfying any constraints of mandatory and/or uniqueness.

For this reason the green button SAVE will be disabled until all constraints are met.

Saving changes

Saving all the changes made in an editing session can be done in two ways:

  • by clicking on the diskette icon _images/icon_disk.png placed at the top right. The changes made will be saved and you can continue making new changes

  • by deactivating the editing by clicking on the Edit layer icon _images/icon_edit2.png.

By deactivating the editing function, a modal window will be displayed which will show the list of changes made and the request for confirmation or not of saving them.


Remember that during the editing phase the undo/redo icons _images/icon_undoredo.png allow you to delete/restore the latest changes made.